The Blog describes the ice hockey game of life of John Diehl.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Creepy old guys

So I just got back from the gym and man are there a lot of creepy old guys. As if old naked guys walking around isn't bad enough, today I go to throw my towell in the hamper, and miss. I walk over to it wearing just my happy face boxers because I like to feel happy after a work out, and pick up the towel with my feet and toss it in the hamper. I turn around and there is this old guy just staring at me. For a second I thought he was going to make some jack ass comment about my boxers but then he said "what dexterity" and gave me this huge goofy grin.


Blogger Paul said...

dude that old guy had a man crush on you. you should have said "listen dude i know these boxers are hot, but this is a community changing area and you should keep you feeling in check" just some friendly advice! don't feel weird about it these things happen.

November 27, 2006 at 4:50 AM


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