The Blog describes the ice hockey game of life of John Diehl.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Pujols Rocks

We'll see if the ending in game five has any bering on tonights contest in St. Louis. But I want to just take a moment and pay the most sincerest congradulations to the Cardinals on the game five win. For those non-baseball fans this was something out of a story book. The Astros were winning by 1 run with 2 outs and 2 strikes on the third batter in the ninth inning. One strike away from going to the world series for the first time. The Houston club has been close other times, well chronicled on sports shows around the country these last few days. They were just one more strike from the fall classic for the first time in the 45 year history of the club. But that last strike was put into play for a base hit, and the next batter walked. This brought up the best hitter in the game today. Albert Pujols then, with a might swing, deposited the 1-2 hanging slider from the most dominate closing pitcher in the game onto the train tracks behind the stunned Astro fans. You could hear his foot steps as he ran the bases, it was that quiet. The wonderful thing is that this most amazing sequence of events transpired over the course of 10 minutes, and it just happened to be the ten minutes I had off from work when some one wasn't complaining of pain, or dropping their pressurs, or falling over. It was a beautiful thing, and I am grateful for having witnessed it. Thank you Albert, thank you Cardinals, thank you baseball for injecting much needed excitement into my otherwise quiet life.


Blogger Paul said...

I believe at this moment my good man that baseball may infact love you?

October 19, 2005 at 5:39 PM


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