The Blog describes the ice hockey game of life of John Diehl.

Monday, October 23, 2006

How many Jiffy Lube employees does it take?

Being time for the every important oil change in my car, I took my illustrious ford escort to jiffy lube, which is just a stones throw from my place. I dropped it off and went back to my condo so as to be productive with laundry and cleaning and the like. Returning to the JL about a half our later, my car is done, and I proceed to stand in line for 20 minutes while the braintrust behind the counter fumbles unproductively on their circa 1992 PC to ring up the customer in front of me. Apparent something drastic had gone wrong, and they could not figure it out. Finally I just slapped some money on the counter, gave them my name and said I'd return on the morrow for my receipt. Cheese and Rice, is it that hard to operate a computer (says the man who calls the only reader of this blog for any and all technical problems)


Blogger Paul said...

I F'n LOVE this blog now..... your a king my friend a king

October 26, 2006 at 11:24 AM


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